Jean is one in a thousand. The first time you ever sit down with her, she brings a vast reservoir of knowledge and expertise and a vastly open mind. She’s observant intelligent, compassionate, and possesses an incredible genius for connection.
I brought her the strangest, most hopeless moment in my life and she dug through it with me until I could see the reality in it. Jean doesn’t flinch. I found traction. I continue to find relief and challenge and the strength I need.
- Suzanne A.
When Will Hypnosis be Beneficial
We believe that hypnosis will be optimally effective when the patient is highly motivated to overcome a problem and when the professional is well trained in both hypnosis and in general considerations relating to the treatment of the particular problem. Some individuals seem to have higher native hypnotic talent and capacity that may allow them to benefit more readily from hypnosis.
It is important to keep in mind that hypnosis is like any other therapeutic modality: it is of major benefit to some patients with some problems, and it is helpful with many other patients, but it can fail, just like any other clinical method. For this reason, we emphasize that we are not "hypnotists", but health care professionals who use hypnosis along with other tools of our professions.
What is clinical hypnosis?
Clinical hypnosis is an altered state of awareness, perception or consciousness that is used, by licensed and trained doctors or masters prepared individuals, for treating a psychological or physical problem. It is a highly relaxed state.
Hypnosis is a state of inner absorption, concentration and focused attention. It is like using a magnifying glass to focus the rays of the sun and make them more powerful. Similarly, when our minds are concentrated and focused, we are able to use our minds more powerfully. Because hypnosis allows people to use more of their potential, learning self-hypnosis is the ultimate act of self-control.
While there is general agreement that certain effects of hypnosis exist, there are differences of opinion within the research and clinical communities about how hypnosis works. Some researchers believe that hypnosis can be used by individuals to the degree they possess a hypnotic trait, much as they have traits associated with height, body size, hair color, etc. Other professionals who study and use hypnosis believe there are strong cognitive and interpersonal components that affect an individual's response to hypnotic environments and suggestions.
Recent research supports the view that hypnotic communication and suggestions effectively changes aspects of the persons physiological and neurological functions.
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What training is required to do hypnosis, and how can I find a qualified professional?
The use of hypnosis is restricted to psychologists and other health professionals such as physicians, dentists and masters prepared nurses, social workers or marital/family therapists licensed for this technique. It is to be used in conformance with their own training and licensing laws. Most cities have a state or local professional society which may be contacted for names of professionals.
The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis takes a very strong position that hypnosis for the treatment of medical and psychological conditions should only be performed by licensed clinicians. This includes physicians, dentists, chiropractors and masters prepared nurses, social workers and marital/family therapists. Hypnosis is to be used in conformance with their own training and licensing laws. Most locales have a state or local professional society which can be contacted for names of professionals competent to provide hypnotic treatment.
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Is hypnosis a new technique?
Hypnosis has been used for a long as records have been kept. Modern clinical hypnosis is dated from the late 1700s, and the use of hypnosis has grown by leaps and bounds since 1958.
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What is hypnosis used for?
In the mental health area, it is used for phobias, anxiety, sexual problems, alcoholism, smoking control, speech disorders, weight control, chronic pain, age regression therapy, self-esteem/ego strengthening, memory/concentration improvement and forensic work. In medicine, it uses include anesthesia and surgery, obstetrics/gynecology, control of bleeding, pain control, burn therapy, dermatology and habit control. Dentistry uses it to control fear, dental surgery, saliva control, gagging, bruxism, control of bleeding, tongue biting and general oral hygiene.
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What about the length and cost of treatment?
The length of treatment will vary depending on the nature and severity of the problem. Hypnosis is one tool and may be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment. The cost will vary in different parts of the nation. You need to discuss finances openly with your health care professional. Most insurance companies will cover 50% - 80% of the cost of individual therapy only if treated by licensed professionals. Hypnosis often helps quicken the pace of treatment.
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What are some misconceptions about hypnosis?
You will not become unconscious and you will be aware of everything at all times. Your will is not weakened in any way. You are in control and cannot be made to do anything against your will. You will not begin to reveal information you wish to keep secret. Hypnosis is not sleep.
One common misconsception is that a hypnotized person loses their will and is partially or completely under the command of the hypnotist. Nothing could be further from the truth. This unfortunate belief is reinforced by many stage hypnotists. You are in control of yourself, and cannot be made to do anything that is against your will.
Hypnosis, particularly the deeper forms, can appear to be like sleep because the person's body is typically very still and quiet. There is usually a great deal of mental activity, and measurements of brain activity during hypnosis show a significant level of neurological activity.
Will I lose control?
No, your subconscious mind will not act upon any suggestions that would violate your ethical and moral codes. You, the client, are always in control. Hypnosis is not something that is done to us and the hypnotist is not in control of the client. Rather than being out of control the client actually has greater control over their own mind and actions. Hypnosis continues only if you are in agreement with what is being said and done. If you are not in agreement, you will automatically disregard the suggestion or come out of the trance state.
Will I reveal my secrets?
Only if you choose to reveal them. In a hypnotic, trance, state, your subconscious mind will protect your secrets unless you choose to tell them.
Can I get stuck in trance?
A. No, it will not happen. Although it is true that the hypnotic state is so pleasant that many clients want to spend more time there, the client is always capable of coming out of the trance state whenever they want to return to a fully aware state. If you were to drift off to sleep, you will simply wake up just like you would from a nap.
Q. Can the hypnotist make me do something against my will?
A. No, your subconscious mind is very protective of you and would not accept any suggestions that would be harmful to you, that do not align with your values or which would cause you significant embarrassment. Hypnotherapy is not entertainment, the funny things people for a stage hypnotist is only because they are willing. Stage hypnotists choose people who will give them the best performance. and are usually extraverts who would not be greatly embarrassed by doing silly things on stage.
Q. Is hypnosis safe?
A. Yes. Hypnosis is a simple, natural state of mind that offers you the opportunity to access and program the powerful subconscious level of your mind. You participate in the process. You say only what you want to say and you remember what is important to remember.
Q. How many sessions will it take?
A. It depends, many desired changes or issues can be addressed in 3-4 sessions along with individual work between sessions. It really depends on the client and the change desired. By the end of several sessions you will have learned how to utilize self-hypnosis and continue to do work some work on your own. It is important to keep in mind that change takes time and effort. Though hypnosis is a powerful tool it is not
Q. Where do hypnosis session take place?
A. I offer hypnosis in Colorado Springs. I also offer hypnosis in Buena Vista, CO.